
Studio updates.

Watch the video for our recent panel discussion about new fashion systems on Youtube

The mainstream fashion industry is built upon the exploitation of labour and natural resources. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and growth and profit are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce too much too fast and manipulate us into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. Meanwhile, the majority of people that make our clothes are not paid enough to meet their basic needs, and already feel the impacts of the climate crisis - which the fashion industry fuels. As global citizens, we all have the power to take action. This Fashion Revolution Week, join us in reimagining a just and equitable fashion system for people and the planet. 

On the panel we have: Dr Sass Brown, Bel Jacobs, and Beata Wilczek Moderated by Lara Torres and Noorin Khamisani.

Lara Torres